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Are We Equal?

Are We Equal?

That word, equal. What is it really about? What does it mean exactly? Did you know that equal rights for women STILL (2020) hasn’t been passed in enough states to be a federal law?  Thats not what we’re talking about here actually, we might get to it...
Who Gets More?

Who Gets More?

The giver or the receiver? The answer might not be what you expected. This is an easy way to open yourself to the practice of abundance. Its also an introduction to the biggest hurdle....

What Do You Hear?

Here is another exercise to prep you for the ‘shift’ from inner critic to inner cheerleader. There are many insights to be gained here. It can be a little embarrassing to come face to face with ourselves. Thats not an abnormal reaction to this exercise....

Once Upon a Time I Was Different than I Am Today

Here is what changed me forever and how I realized it! Once Upon a Time was one of my favorite shows. Towards the end when the ‘Author’ came on the scene (if you haven’t seen the series its okay) I actually stopped watching it. It was just something I didn’t really...

Do You Have Reasons or Results?

I just saw a meme about how the world looks like we hated it. It does. The reason for that is because we are hating ourselves and that is manifesting around us. We blame the environment, the neighbors, the government anyone but ourselves. Michael Jackson nailed it...